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Norovirus Outbreak Affects Cruise Ships in US Waters



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Nearly 200 passengers aboard two cruise ships sailing in U.S. waters were affected by a norovirus outbreak in April, as reported by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The outbreaks occurred on Princess Cruises’ Sapphire Princess and Royal Caribbean International‘s Radiance of the Seas.

On the Sapphire Princess ship, 94 out of the 2,532 passengers and 20 crew members reported symptoms of the virus, accounting for 3.71% of the total passengers. The cruise, which commenced on April 5 and spans 32 days, is set to conclude on May 7.

Meanwhile, the Radiance of the Seas ship saw 67 passengers out of 1,993 and 2 crew members falling ill with similar symptoms during a voyage that took place from April 8 to April 22.

Both outbreaks primarily presented symptoms of diarrhea and vomiting, according to the CDC. In response to the situations, Princess Cruises and Royal Caribbean International implemented enhanced sanitization protocols, including isolation of affected individuals, increased cleaning measures, and communication to passengers regarding preventative actions.

Princess Cruises affirmed that prompt steps were taken as soon as a rise in reported illnesses was observed, emphasizing the importance of maintaining a robust sanitization program on board. Similarly, Royal Caribbean International, as per the CDC notice, undertook measures like isolating the infected individuals and intensifying cleaning regimens to curb the spread of the virus.

The occurrence of norovirus outbreaks on cruise ships underscores the potential risks associated with the close quarters and high passenger volumes typical of these vessels. The CDC advises individuals experiencing symptoms to promptly report their illness and advocates for preventive measures such as frequent handwashing, adequate rest, and staying hydrated while on board.

Cruise ships serve as unique environments where infectious diseases can spread rapidly, necessitating proactive measures by both cruise lines and passengers to mitigate health risks during voyages.

Rachel Adams

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