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Snowfall Surprise at Gallipoli: A Soldier’s Reflection



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In a poignant reflection on the unexpected surprises of war, Private Ronald McInnis of the 26th Battalion penned a short but powerful entry in his diary dated November 28, 1915, capturing his first encounter with snow at Gallipoli during World War I.

As winter descended on the rugged terrain of Gallipoli, the Anzacs faced increasingly harsh weather conditions, with systems originating in the Russian Arctic bringing snow to the soldiers who had never experienced such a phenomenon before.

Private McInnis described waking up to a transformed landscape, writing, ‘It is actually snowing this morning. The first I have ever seen. I woke up to find the whole country white. It looks beautiful and covers over so many things which are not.’

The understated beauty of the snowfall contrasted with the hardships endured by the Anzacs, many of whom suffered frostbite in the brutal winter conditions.

Despite the serenity of the snow-covered landscape, Private McInnis returned to documenting the realities of life in the trenches, noting the increased shell-fire and casualties faced by the troops at Quinn’s Post, where proximity to the front line oddly provided a semblance of safety.

While the Gallipoli campaign would conclude before the winter ended, the legacy of the Anzacs and the sacrifices made during the campaign continue to be commemorated as a reminder of the realities of war.

The coastal city of Çanakkale in Turkey, closest to the battlefields of Gallipoli, serves as a reminder of the historic events that unfolded in the region, with current weather conditions and long-term averages providing insights into the challenging environment faced by the Anzacs a century ago.

Rachel Adams

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