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Kanye West Takes Unconventional Approach with Low-Budget Super Bowl Commercial for Yeezy



Kanye West Takes Unconventional Approach With Low Budget Super Bowl Commercial For Yeezy

Kanye West made a splash during Super Bowl LVIII by taking a unique and low-budget approach to advertising his brand, Yeezy. While Verizon reportedly shelled out $30 million for their star-studded commercial spot, West filmed his own half-minute ad on his cell phone from the backseat of a car.

In the grainy video, West, also known as Ye, greeted viewers, acknowledging that he had spent all the money on securing the commercial spot, leaving no budget for the actual production of the ad itself. The video quality and West’s speech, slightly hindered by his new tooth accessories, added to the unconventional charm of the spot.

According to reports, Super Bowl commercials typically cost $7 million for a 30-second airing, but it seemed that West’s spot did not run in all markets, indicating that he may have spent less acquiring the commercial space. Despite the low production value, West effectively directed viewers to visit Yeezy’s website by spelling out the URL and displaying it on-screen.

In his call-to-action, West urged viewers to explore, particularly highlighting his Yzy pods which have seen a drastic price reduction from $200 to $20. While the commercial may not have reached all Super Bowl audiences, the video quickly gained traction online, achieving West’s goal of generating buzz around the Yeezy brand.

Although West’s ad campaign might have deviated from the conventional high-budget commercials seen during the Super Bowl, its raw and unpolished nature sparked discussions among viewers. Twitter was abuzz with reactions, with some applauding the rapper’s ingenuity and others questioning the expenditure on a no-frills advertisement. Regardless of the varying opinions, one thing is certain: Ye always manages to command attention and stir conversation with his unconventional marketing tactics.

Rachel Adams

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