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PETA Resurfaces 18-Year-Old Video Alleging Turkey Abuse, But No Recall for Butterball Turkeys in 2024



Peta Butterball Turkey Abuse Video

In the lead-up to Thanksgiving, a controversy has resurfaced involving Butterball turkeys and allegations of animal abuse. People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) has recently brought attention to an 18-year-old video that accuses workers at a Butterball facility of mistreating and sexually abusing turkeys.

The video, which was originally released in 2006, shows disturbing footage that PETA claims is evidence of systemic abuse within the poultry industry. However, it is important to note that the video is nearly two decades old and does not reflect current practices at Butterball.

Despite the renewed public outcry and concerns raised by the video, Butterball has insisted that there is no basis for a recall. The company has confirmed that there are no current recall notices from governmental or public health agencies regarding their products.

The resurfacing of this video has caused confusion among consumers, especially as Thanksgiving approaches, a time when turkey is a central part of many American meals. However, as of now, there is no indication that any recent or ongoing abuse has occurred, and consumers can proceed with their holiday plans without the need for concern over a recall).
