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Rising Fuel Prices Continue to Burden South African Motorists in April



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South African motorists are facing yet another increase in fuel prices for the month of April, adding to the financial strain experienced throughout the year. The Central Energy Fund (CEF) has announced a rise in the prices of all grades of fuel, highlighting the ongoing challenges for drivers.

The CEF reported that the prices of petrol have gone up, while diesel and illuminating paraffin have seen a decrease in prices. This fluctuation is attributed to the international product prices and the exchange rate between the rand and the US dollar during the review period.

Finance Minister Enoch Godongwana‘s Budget Speech in February revealed additional increases to the Carbon Fuel levy, further impacting the cost of petrol and diesel for consumers. The Fuel Levy and Road Accident Fund Levy are set to rise, compounding the financial burden on motorists.

Rachel Adams

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