Venus Williams, renowned as one of the greatest tennis players of all time, has embarked on a partnership with Downy to promote its Rinse & Refresh...
Renowned filmmaker Christopher Nolan is set to return to Universal Studios for his next cinematic endeavor, according to sources. The director, acclaimed for his recent success...
Jason Donovan, the renowned Australian actor and singer, has expressed his enthusiasm for his upcoming role as Dr. Frank-N-Furter in the Cardiff production of “The Rocky...
October 7, 2024 — The latest season of the popular reality TV show “Bigg Boss Tamil” has returned with its eighth edition, bringing a host of...
Janette Manrara and Aljaz Skorjanec, renowned dancers and television personalities, have announced an exciting new tour set to commence in 2025. The couple, both known for...
Bollywood actress Alia Bhatt, currently occupied with the promotion of her latest film ‘Jigra,’ made a notable appearance in Hyderabad on Tuesday. The event, widely covered...
Peter Hook & The Light have embarked on the British and Irish leg of their ‘Substance’ world tour, beginning at the York Barbican on Thursday. The...
Danny Borthwick, an actor renowned for his role as Jay Brown in the BBC soap opera ‘EastEnders‘, has joined the cast of ‘Strictly Come Dancing‘. This...
An exciting new chapter of Quebec’s popular reality television format “Occupation Double” is set to unfurl under the warm sun of Mexico. This iteration, “OD Tentations...
Bollywood icons Rani Mukerji and Kajol recently participated in the Durga Puja celebrations held at the North Bombay Sarbojanin Durga Puja in Juhu, Mumbai. The “Kuch...