Four men are currently in critical condition at a White Rock hospital after sustaining gunshot wounds in an early morning shooting incident. The unsettling episode, which...
A pioneering program aimed at enhancing the resilience of critical transport corridors against bushfires through Aboriginal cultural landscape management has been initiated at four sites across...
A landmark court ruling in London, Ontario, determined that the brutal act committed by the convicted killer, Veltman, who targeted the Afzaal family, was an act...
February’s full moon is set to illuminate the skies this weekend, presenting a celestial treat in the form of the micro Snow Moon. Unlike the supermoons...
A search is underway for NSW Police officer Beau Lamarre in connection with the disappearance of Luke Davies and Jesse Baird, a couple from Sydney. Baird,...
A former Network Ten presenter, Jesse Baird, and his partner, Luke Davies, have gone missing under suspicious circumstances in Sydney, sparking a police investigation. The 26-year-old...
A fire erupted in the roof of The Osborne View pub located on Hill Head Road in Fareham, Hampshire, sparking a large-scale emergency response from the...
A court in Spain has convicted former Barcelona and Brazil footballer Dani Alves of sexually assaulting a woman in a Barcelona nightclub. Alves, a highly decorated...
A tragic incident unfolded on the busy M27 near Southampton Airport, resulting in a fatal collision involving a Mercedes lorry, Nissan Juke, and Volkswagen Polo. The...
Victoria is currently facing a severe bushfire crisis as temperatures soar, prompting emergency warnings in various regional communities across the state. Premier Jacinta Allan and Emergency...