Nintendo has released its final installment of the Mario Party series for the Switch, titled ‘Super Mario Party Jamboree.’ This third entry aims to blend the...
After a six-year hiatus, the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show made its much-anticipated return on October 15, 2024, in Brooklyn, New York, marking a significant shift from...
In 2020, as the COVID-19 pandemic resulted in widespread closures of movie theaters, Christopher Nolan‘s ambitious espionage thriller “Tenet,” with a production budget of $200 million,...
The latest offering from filmmaker Amal Neerad, ‘Bougainvillea,’ presents a psychological thriller that navigates the maze of unreliable memory. The film, featuring Jyothirmayi, Kunchacko Boban, and...
The Tamil film ‘Lubber Pandhu,’ directed by Tamizharasan Pachamuthu, has become a recent hit in local cinemas since its release in September 2024. Starring actress Sanjana,...
The launch of Peacock‘s new series “Teacup” has ignited discussions on its unique take on horror and suspense, as revealed by a report from IndieWire. The...
Bollywood actor Sunny Leone recently shared a humorous video on social media, drawing attention from women all over due to its relatable content. The video showcases...
The first trailer for “Wallace & Gromit: Vengeance Most Fowl,” marking the beloved duo’s return to the small screen, has been unveiled. The upcoming feature-length film...
The highly anticipated ‘After Hours Til Dawn Tour’ by the renowned artist, The Weeknd, is set to arrive in Sydney, with concerts scheduled for October 22...
Country music enthusiasts eagerly anticipating the lineup for the YQM Country Fest 2025 have now received the official announcement of the headlining acts. The annual festival,...