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Colin Farrell Launches Foundation in Honor of His Son



Colin Farrell Launches Foundation In Honor Of His Son

Colin Farrell, the popular Irish actor, is embarking on a heartfelt journey by launching a new foundation aimed at supporting individuals and families dealing with intellectual disabilities. The initiative comes as a way to honor his son, James, who has been diagnosed with Angelman syndrome, a rare neurogenetic disorder.

Speaking in an interview published recently, Farrell shared his personal experiences raising James, who is now 20 years old and nonverbal. He expressed his concerns about what happens when young adults with special needs age out of the programs currently available to them. “Once your child turns 21, they’re kind of on their own,” he lamented.

Farrell recalled the challenges faced by families like his, highlighting that protective measures like special education classes disappear once children reach adulthood. He wants to see a world that treats James with kindness and respect, emphasizing the importance of integrating individuals with special needs into society.

The actor shared that this is the first time he’s publicly announcing his foundation, noting that he feels the need to speak for James, as he cannot directly communicate his preferences. “I can’t discern a particular answer from him,” Farrell explained, while assuring that he knows James’s spirit and the goodness in his heart.

Farrell remarked how proud he is of James, who has worked tirelessly to achieve milestones like feeding himself. Despite the mess, Farrell finds joy in watching his son succeed, calling him “magic.”

While taking photos isn’t his favorite thing, Farrell believes that James would support their cause of helping other families with special needs. “This is all because of James,” he reiterated.

The Colin Farrell Foundation, which Farrell leads, aims to advocate for changes in healthcare policies and create programs for community-based housing that are both affordable and accessible. He has long been passionate about providing opportunities for families with children who have special needs.

Farrell shared his belief that children like James deserve to have more individuality and autonomy in life, along with a stronger sense of community support.

James was born in 2003, during Farrell’s relationship with Kim Bordenave. The couple, who parted ways in 2021, remain committed to supporting their son. Colin also has a younger son named Henry with Alicja Bachleda-Curuś.

Rachel Adams

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