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Illicit Liquor Tragedy Grips Kallakurichi: Families Devastated by Hooch Deaths



Illicit Liquor Tragedy Grips Kallakurichi: Families Devastated By Hooch Deaths

An illicit liquor tragedy has struck the town of Kallakurichi in Tamil Nadu, leaving families in Karunapuram devastated by the recent series of hooch-related deaths. The area, located near the Combined Court Buildings in Kallakurichi, has witnessed a staggering death toll due to the consumption of illicit arrack.

Within the community of Karunapuram, the heart-wrenching stories of loss and grief are unfolding. Ayyammal, the wife of Subramani, a load man, shared the tragic tale of her husband’s demise after consuming arrack. Tragically, Subramani succumbed to the effects of the toxic brew, leaving behind a shattered family.

Residents of Karunapuram have pointed fingers at the easy availability of illicit liquor in the town. They have accused a bootlegger named Govindaraj, known as Kannukutty, of openly selling the lethal concoction in small plastic sachets. Despite repeated complaints to the local police, no action was taken against the bootlegger.

The impact of the hooch tragedy has been particularly severe on daily wage labourers and load men in the region. Many of the victims, who struggled to make ends meet, turned to cheap liquor as a way to unwind after work. Tragically, this choice has now cost them their lives, leaving behind grieving families and shattered dreams.

As the community grapples with the aftermath of the devastating hooch deaths, the district administration has arranged for mass cremations and burials near the serene Gomukhi River. This solemn act of remembrance serves as a stark reminder of the human toll exacted by the illicit liquor trade.

Rachel Adams

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