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Karnataka State Police Releases Hall Tickets for Civil Police Constable Exam 2024



Karnataka State Police Releases Hall Tickets For Civil Police Constable Exam 2024

The Karnataka State Police (KSP) has officially announced the release of hall tickets for the upcoming Police Constable (Civil) examination scheduled for February 25, 2024. With a total of 1137 vacancies to be filled, eligible candidates can now access and download their admit cards from the KSP website.

The examination, conducted offline, will feature multiple-choice questions in both English and Kannada languages, providing candidates with the opportunity to demonstrate their proficiency in the required subjects. It is advised that applicants promptly obtain their hall tickets to facilitate adequate preparation for the upcoming test.

The KSP Police Constable hall ticket 2024 can be obtained from the official KSP portal by entering the required details such as application number and date of birth. The written exam is set to take place on February 25, 2024, marking an essential milestone in the selection process for the Civil Police Constable position.

Applicants must navigate to the official Karnataka State Police recruitment webpage to initiate the hall ticket download process. By following the specified steps and inputting the necessary information, candidates can secure their admit cards for the upcoming examination, thus ensuring compliance with the recruitment procedures.
