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Moosomin Offers $30,000 for New Homes



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If you’ve ever dreamt of owning a home but thought it was out of reach, listen up! The small town of Moosomin in Saskatchewan is stepping up with a unique offer: they’re giving away $30,000 to individuals who build new homes.

Located just east of Regina along the Trans Canada Highway, Moosomin is on a mission to tackle its housing crisis. With a population of around 3,000, the town is seeking to attract more residents and expand its housing options through this generous incentive, made possible by a $1 million federal Housing Accelerator Fund.

The cash incentive will be awarded at a council meeting after you receive your occupancy permit for your new home. The $30,000 applies to the first unit built, and if you’re planning to put up more units on the same property, you can snag an extra $8,000 for each additional unit.

The program is open to various types of dwellings, including single-family homes, apartments, townhomes, and even backyard suites. Just keep in mind that the homes have to be built within the town limits to qualify, and there’s no cap on the number of units you can construct.

Building permits issued after August 21, 2023, can take advantage of this offer, which will remain in effect until March 31, 2027, or until the town reaches its goal of 50 new units.

Mayor Larry Tomlinson expressed his enthusiasm for this initiative, stating that Moosomin offers excellent services, recreational opportunities, and a promising future for both residents and prospective homeowners.

Rachel Adams

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