Students Break Pi Day Records in Mathematics Competitions

Students at the Maine School of Science and Mathematics (MSSM) and Park Vista High School made waves on Pi Day by breaking records in mathematics competitions.
At MSSM in Limestone, sophomore Ari Anghel from Windham took the spotlight for the second consecutive year by reciting an impressive 919 digits of Pi, doubling the previous year’s count. This feat helped raise around $4,000 for the MSSM Foundation, with community members pledging donations for each digit.
Meanwhile, over in Lake Worth Beach, Florida, junior Logan Laker of Park Vista High School set a new school record by listing a whopping 1,234 digits of Pi during a lunchtime contest. Laker’s dedication to memorizing the numbers paid off as he surpassed the original school record of 314 digits, stunning his peers and teachers alike.
Speaking with CBS12 News, Laker shared his method of breaking down the numbers into manageable groups and codes for memorization, allowing him to add over 900 more digits to his repertoire. The school had to rely on a computer to fact-check the additional 234 digits beyond their initial 1,000-digit fact sheet.
Both Ari Anghel and Logan Laker demonstrated exceptional mathematical prowess and dedication to the Pi Day celebrations, showcasing their talents in the realm of numbers and calculations.