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Fred Again.. Surprises Perth Fans with Langley Park Show



Fred Again.. Surprises Perth Fans With Langley Park Show

British electronic music sensation Fred Again.. has caused a stir among fans in Perth with the unexpected announcement of a live show at Langley Park on Saturday, March 30.

The surprise gig came hot on the heels of a string of sold-out performances in Sydney, Melbourne, and the Gold Coast earlier in the month, solidifying Fred Again..’s reputation as a must-see act.

Sharing the news on his Instagram, the Grammy Award-winning artist promised an epic party in Perth, teasing an extended DJ set that surpasses any of his previous tour shows.

Attendees can also look forward to the debut of fresh tracks by Fred Again.., along with energetic performances by UK-based group Joy Anonymous and popular New Zealand DJ Messie.

Speculation about the Perth show first arose when Langley Park residents were informed about the ‘Perth Summer Concert Series 2024’, hinting at a single-stage music event set to take place on the bustling urban grounds on Saturday.

Although initial communication omitted specific artists, the event documentation detailed plans for noise management, traffic coordination, and venue layout accommodating up to an impressive 35,000 concert-goers.

With tickets swiftly selling out, admirers who missed their chance are anxiously monitoring Fred Again..’s social media channels for a potential surprise pop-up show during his Perth visit.

Fred Again.. is scheduled to take the stage at Langley Park on Saturday, March 30, 2024. Stay connected with X-Press for the latest updates and insights on this electrifying event.

Rachel Adams

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