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National Sea Rescue Institute Challenges Volunteers to Take a Winter Solstice Plunge for Essential Funds



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The National Sea Rescue Institute (NSRI) is calling on volunteers across the country to participate in a unique initiative aimed at raising essential funds for their life-saving operations.

As the winter solstice approaches, NSRI crews prepare to plunge into cold waters on June 20th and 21st, marking the longest night of the year, to support the organization’s ongoing efforts.

Volunteers like Station 23‘s Jané Botha from Wilderness, who raised an impressive R47,500 last year, have set a high bar for fundraising efforts.

In a remarkable display of dedication, a team of NSRI volunteers undertook the challenging Robben Island Crossing in 2023, raising over R40,000 for the cause.

This year, the NSRI is urging individuals to organize their own winter solstice plunge events, no matter how big or small, to contribute to the institute’s vital work.

To take part, participants can set a date for their plunge, create a fundraising campaign on GivenGain, and rally friends, family, and colleagues to join or donate to the cause.

For those looking to support the initiative, the NSRI provides detailed information on organizing a Solstice Plunge and the associated tax benefits of donations, which can be found on their website.

In case of emergencies, individuals can contact the NSRI Emergency Operations Centre for assistance and guidance.

Rachel Adams

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