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Veteran Yoruba Actor Ibrahim Chatta Unveils Stunning Thatched House at Film Village



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Veteran Yoruba actor, Ibrahim Chatta, has left fans in awe after showcasing his newly-built thatched house at his film village and resort. The actor, known for his impressive performances, revealed the interior design of the house, which serves as a prototype for upcoming buildings at the film village. The house boasts high-quality features including a high-security door, multiple air conditioners, luxurious chairs, and a beautifully tiled floor.

Chatta also provided a glimpse of his work area, displaying his numerous accolades and awards. Despite the already lavish setup, the actor mentioned that he is not yet done with the final touches, indicating more grandeur to come in the near future.

In a recent video, Chatta was seen interacting with fellow actress Bimbo Ademoye on what seemed to be a film set. The interaction between the two stars drew admiration from fans, showcasing a warm and respectful relationship in the entertainment industry.

Notably, Ibrahim Chatta has been making headlines beyond his acting skills. Previously, the actor was praised for his hard work at a construction site, displaying his dedication to his projects and dreams. With each endeavor, Chatta continues to solidify his presence in the entertainment world, earning admiration from colleagues and fans alike.

Rachel Adams

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