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Chile’s Former President, Sebastián Piñera, Dies in Helicopter Crash



Chile's Former President, Sebastián Piñera, Dies In Helicopter Crash

Chile‘s former president, Sebastián Piñera, has tragically passed away at the age of 74 in a helicopter crash. The incident occurred in Lago Ranco, a picturesque lake located in southern Chile where Piñera owned a residence. Details about the crash are currently limited.

Carolina Tohá, Chile’s interior minister, confirmed the devastating news during a press conference, expressing condolences to Piñera’s family and all Chileans. As a two-time president, Piñera served his country with dedication and commitment to democracy. His body has since been retrieved from the crash site, and the three passengers on board managed to swim to safety.

Sebastián Piñera was a prominent figure in Chilean politics and business. A Harvard-educated economist and billionaire, he held two consecutive terms as a center-right president, from 2010 to 2014 and then again from 2018 to 2022. Known for his successful ventures in various industries, Piñera played a pivotal role in bringing credit card technology to Chile in the 1980s. He also became a significant stakeholder in an airline, a television station, and one of the country’s largest football teams.

Piñera’s political career began as a senator, where he emerged as a vocal opponent of Gen Augusto Pinochet‘s dictatorship. In the crucial 1988 plebiscite that ousted the dictator, Piñera courageously voted against its continuation. He quickly positioned himself as a leading advocate for democratic reforms and spearheaded movements calling for justice and equality.

The tragic loss of Piñera has deeply saddened Chileans, who will pay tribute to their former leader with a state funeral. National mourning has been declared, with a wake scheduled to take place on Thursday at Santiago‘s former congress building. The public has shown an overwhelming display of affection and concern, and Piñera’s office expressed gratitude for the outpouring of support.

Rachel Adams

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