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Judge Orders Alex Jones to Liquidate Assets Over False Sandy Hook Claims



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A US judge has ruled that conspiracy theorist Alex Jones must liquidate his assets to pay $US1.5 billion to the families of victims of the Sandy Hook shooting. Jones falsely claimed the tragedy was a hoax, leading to legal ramifications.

The judge approved the conversion of Jones’s personal bankruptcy reorganisation to a liquidation but dismissed a similar attempt for his company, Free Speech Systems based in Austin, Texas. Families of Sandy Hook victims had requested the company be liquidated as well.

If Free Speech Systems had been liquidated, Jones could have lost ownership of the company, its social media accounts, the Infowars studio, and all copyrights. The future of the media platform now hangs in the balance.

Judge Lopez highlighted the complexity of the case and noted that creditors, including Sandy Hook families, must be considered in the decision-making process. The case has become one of the longest-running bankruptcy cases in the country.

Jones’s personal assets, excluding his primary home and some belongings, will be sold off to help settle the debt. He has already started selling assets, including his Texas ranch, to meet financial obligations.

Chris Mattei, a lawyer representing the families in Connecticut, stated that liquidating Free Speech Systems would allow for the enforcement of the $US1.4 billion judgement while preventing Jones from further harm through misinformation.

The families have faced harassment and threats due to Jones’s claims, leading to legal battles and emotional distress. Jones continues to assert conspiracy theories on his shows, alleging political motives behind the legal actions against him.

As the saga continues, the fate of Infowars remains uncertain, with Jones vowing to fight against what he perceives as tyranny. The legal proceedings are ongoing in multiple states, shedding light on the consequences of spreading false information.

Rachel Adams

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