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Man Shot Dead in Quiet Melbourne Neighborhood



In a shocking incident on Friday night, a man was shot dead in Burnside Heights, a typically calm area in Melbourne’s north-west.

Emergency services rushed to the scene on Tenterfield Drive after receiving reports of a shooting around 9:10 PM. Sadly, authorities confirmed that the 34-year-old man died at the location.

Victoria Police stated that they believe this was not a random act of violence. They are now looking into a white Suzuki hatchback that was found at the scene, which reportedly had multiple bullet holes in the windscreen.

The exact details of what led to the shooting remain unclear as investigations are still underway. Residents are unnerved, with local resident Paolo Penailillo mentioning that, until this incident, it was a neighborhood where people felt safe walking their dogs at night.

Anyone with information about the shooting is urged to reach out to Crime Stoppers for assistance.

Rachel Adams

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