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Northern Lights Dazzle Miami Valley Residents



Northern Lights Dazzle Miami Valley Residents

Did you catch the stunning display of purple lights in the sky late Sunday night? Many residents across the Miami Valley were treated to the breathtaking sight of the Northern Lights.

This spectacular event wasn’t just any ordinary night sky show; it marked the second time in 2024 that Ohioans got to witness the Northern Lights. Viewers from different parts of the Miami Valley, including Clark, Darke, Preble, and Shelby counties, shared their incredible photos.

The excitement was triggered by solar material that erupted from overly active sunspots. According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Space Weather Prediction Center, this beautiful light display was expected after a weekend of solar activity.

Earlier this year, back in May, the Northern Lights made an appearance too, with residents buzzing about the phenomenon. At that time, the NOAA had warned about a severe geomagnetic storm—the strongest one since 2005—leading to another stunning light show.

If you snapped any photos of the Northern Lights on Sunday, feel free to share them with us! We love seeing what everyone captured.

Rachel Adams

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