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Evacuation Alert Downgraded in Cedarside Area



Evacuation Alert Downgraded In Cedarside Area

Residents in Valemount‘s Cedarside area can take a sigh of relief as the evacuation order has been downgraded to an evacuation alert. This change comes after quick action from the BC Wildfire Service crews, who worked hard to control the wildfires in the region.

The evacuation alert signifies that while residents can stay in their homes, conditions in the area may change unexpectedly. It’s a precautionary measure taken to ensure everyone’s safety, both for the residents and the emergency responders.

A statement from local officials stresses the importance of being ready. They urge people living in the alert area to prepare themselves for a possible evacuation and to take steps to minimize any potential damage to their homes.

Last Saturday, an evacuation order was put in place due to wildfires burning out of control near Valemount, which is located about 230 kilometers northeast of Kamloops. People living in specific areas, including those east of Highway 5 and around the Canoe River, had to evacuate.

Thanks to the swift actions by the BC Wildfire Service, the evacuation order has now been lifted, allowing residents to return home. However, the wildfire situation remains dynamic, and precautions are still being advised.

As of Saturday evening, the Canoe Road wildfire was small, measuring only 0.08 square kilometers. Local officials are monitoring the situation to keep the community safe.

Rachel Adams

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