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NRL Investigates Altercation Between Jack Hetherington and Reed Mahoney in Tunnel



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The NRL is launching an investigation into a heated altercation between Jack Hetherington and Reed Mahoney that occurred in the tunnel at Accor Stadium during the recent Bulldogs versus Knights match.

During the closing stages of the game, tensions flared between Hetherington and Mahoney after Jaeman Salmon delivered a dangerous tackle on Jackson Hastings.

Both players were sin-binned for their involvement in a scuffle, but the situation escalated when Hetherington emerged from the dressing room to confront Mahoney in the tunnel, prompting Bulldogs’ staff to intervene.

<To support the investigation, the NRL is reviewing footage that captured advised coach Adam O'Brien claimed to be unaware of the altercation when questioned in the post-match press conference.

Bulldogs coach, Cameron Ciraldo, also downplayed the incident, referring to Hetherington as a good person who occasionally lets emotions get the better of him but characterizing the incident as not too serious.

Ciraldo expressed relief at the double sin-binning that took place, describing the closing minutes of the game as particularly intense and commending the decision to take action and resume normal play.

Rachel Adams

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