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MK Party Leader Visvin Reddy Faces Charges for Allegedly Inciting Violence



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uMkhonto weSizwe Party (MKP) leader Visvin Reddy is set to appear in front of the Chatsworth Magistrate’s Court after being charged for allegedly making seditious remarks. Reddy’s remarks were in response to potential outcomes from the IEC and court decisions related to former president Jacob Zuma.

Reddy faces charges under the Riotous Assemblies Act 17 of 1956, which pertains to inciting violence. He was recorded stating that there would be severe unrest in the country if the courts ruled against the MKP and Zuma. His statement included a warning of unprecedented riots hindering election processes in the country.

News24 confirmed that Reddy’s statement led to the charges against him, focusing on the potential outcomes of the legal decisions. The video of Reddy’s remarks became viral, prompting legal action.

Reddy is quoted as saying, ‘These courts are sometimes captured. If they stop the MKP there will be anarchy in this country. There will be riots like you have never seen in this country.’ He emphasized that the MKP’s presence on the ballot was crucial to prevent societal turmoil.

In response to the charges, Reddy expressed readiness to fight them. He highlighted that his remarks were misconstrued and taken out of context from a broader speech he gave at a rally. Reddy stated his intention to contest the charges through his legal team.

Rachel Adams

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