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Former President Jacob Zuma-Endorsed MK Party to Host Manifesto Rally in April



Former President Jacob Zuma Endorsed Mk Party To Host Manifesto Rally In April

The uMkhonto weSizwe (MK) Party, with the endorsement of former president Jacob Zuma, is set to hold its manifesto rally on the 6th of April at a yet-to-be-disclosed stadium, as reported exclusively by News24.

The party’s announcement of the rally comes amidst growing anticipation and speculation regarding the political landscape in the country, particularly in light of recent shifts and realignments within the African National Congress (ANC).

The event, scheduled for early April, is poised to be a significant gathering for supporters and members of the MK Party, who are eager to hear the party’s vision, policies, and plans for the future.

Jacob Zuma’s public endorsement of the MK Party has added a new dimension to the political discourse, drawing attention to the party’s platform and objectives in the run-up to the upcoming elections.

Rachel Adams

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