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Photographers Capture Stunning Aircraft Shots Ahead of Airshow



Photographers Capture Stunning Aircraft Shots Ahead Of Airshow

A group of photographers recently had an amazing opportunity to get up close and personal with aircraft in flight, just days before the Abbotsford International Airshow kicks off.

These lucky photographers were part of a team called Aviation PhotoCrew, who brought their specially modified airplane, known as a Skyvan Photoship, to Chilliwack. This unique plane is designed specifically for air-to-air photography, allowing the photographers onboard to capture stunning images and videos of other aircraft flying nearby.

On Wednesday, August 7, a photographer from Black Press Media joined nine others from various parts of the world to take to the skies. Each day of their four-day visit, the team had about three to five flights, featuring different aircraft to photograph.

All flights took off and landed from Chilliwack Airport, but the exciting photo sessions took place over Washington State, providing a picturesque backdrop for their work.

The crew primarily hails from Belgium and operates a few planes around the globe, including some in the U.S. The aircraft they own, the Short SC7 Skyvan 3-100s, were once short-haul cargo ships or military planes before being converted specifically for aviation photographers.

During the flights, the rear hatch door of the Photoship is open to create an unobstructed view for the photographers, except during takeoff and landing. This setup allows pilots of the planes being photographed to fly right up close next to the Photoship, creating incredible photo opportunities.

Aviation PhotoCrew is in town to capture some fantastic shots ahead of the Abbotsford International Airshow, which takes place from August 9 to 11.

Rachel Adams

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