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Hunter Schafer Shines in New Horror Film ‘Cuckoo’



Hunter Schafer Shines In New Horror Film 'cuckoo'

Hunter Schafer, known for her breakout role in ‘Euphoria,’ is making waves again with her performance in the new horror film ‘Cuckoo,’ directed by Tilman Singer. The film, which releases on August 9, 2024, has sparked interest not just for its eerie plot but also for Schafer’s compelling portrayal of the lead character, Gretchen.

‘Cuckoo’ tells the story of Gretchen, a teenage girl who moves from the United States to the Bavarian Alps with her father, Luis, and his younger wife, Beth, after the recent death of her mother. As she adjusts to her new life, she begins to feel isolated and disconnected from her new family, who seem more concerned about her mute stepsister, Alma.

The film kicks off with a mysterious twist when Gretchen encounters a hooded woman in the resort where her family is staying. This woman seems to have a strange connection to Gretchen, and her presence only deepens the film’s sense of dread. Nobody believes Gretchen when she tries to explain what she’s seen, making her feel even more alone.

Singer has been noted for his impressive vision in horror, building upon his previous work with ‘Luz.’ ‘Cuckoo’ combines elements of body horror and mystery, drawing comparisons to classic Italian horror films. The cinematography by Paul Faltz captures the eerie atmosphere effectively, amplifying the tension throughout the movie.

Dan Stevens, known for his roles in ‘Downton Abbey’ and ‘The Guest,’ plays the role of Herr König, the resort owner. His character is both charming and menacing, leaving viewers unsure of his true intentions towards Gretchen. Stevens’ performance adds a layer of intrigue, fitting well into the film’s unsettling vibe.

In addition to the horror elements, the film also has an emotional side. Gretchen struggles with her grief and feelings of abandonment, which Schafer beautifully conveys through her performance. There are moments when she expresses her distress over her family dynamics, especially in heartbreaking scenes where she leaves messages for her late mother.

The tension rises towards the film’s climax, as Gretchen finds herself battling not just the mysterious woman but also her family’s disinterest in her plight. Schafer manages to blend moments of horror with touches of humor, showcasing her versatility as an actress.

Rachel Adams

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