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Ryan Lowe Leaves Preston North End After One Game



Ryan Lowe Leaves Preston North End After One Game

In a surprising move, Ryan Lowe has stepped down as manager of Preston North End after just one game into the new Championship season. The announcement was made on Monday following a disappointing 2-0 loss to Sheffield United on Friday night.

Lowe’s exit comes after a tough time at the club, where he faced criticism from fans and ended last season with a string of losses. Despite guiding the team to a playoff contention at one point, they recently struggled, losing six games in a row without finding the back of the net.

Preston’s director, Peter Ridsdale, explained that the decision was mutual after a lengthy discussion with Lowe. He mentioned that the manager felt it was time to move on for both himself and his family, stating that he enjoyed training days but not match days.

During his two-and-a-half year tenure at Preston, Lowe had a mix of results, finishing 13th, 12th, and 10th in the Championship. Ridsdale clarified that it wasn’t just a knee-jerk response to the latest defeat, emphasizing that the decision was made thoughtfully.

Now, while Mike Marsh takes charge of the squad temporarily alongside Peter Murphy and Ched Evans, the club will take its time in finding a new manager. Ridsdale noted that they are not rushing into hiring a replacement and want to ensure the right fit for the team.

Rachel Adams

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