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Tragic Incident Claims Life of Woman in Cabin due to Falling Tree



Cabin Tree Incident

A 63-year-old woman tragically lost her life when a tree fell on the cabin where she was sleeping with her husband at Tasman Holiday Parks in Moama, New South Wales.

The incident occurred at approximately 3:50 AM, prompting emergency services to respond swiftly to the scene. Upon arrival, crews discovered the woman’s body within the severely damaged cabin.

The couple had only purchased the cabin a year ago and were reportedly on holiday from Inverleigh, near Geelong. The woman’s husband, also aged 63, sustained injuries to his right hand and was subsequently taken to the hospital for treatment, where he was scheduled for surgery.

Local authorities expressed their sorrow over the incident, with Jack Bond from the Murray River Council stating that the community was “devastated.” Additionally, Victoria Police Chief Inspector Jy Brown noted that there had been recent tree inspections conducted by an arborist at the park.

The spokesperson for Tasman Holiday Parks conveyed the company’s deep regret over the incident, providing support to their onsite team who are experiencing distress following this tragedy. They extended their heartfelt condolences to the family and friends of both cabin occupants.

Victorian Premier Jacinta Allan also expressed her sympathy, stating, “It’s a sad and tragic set of circumstances for the woman’s family.” A report regarding the incident is expected to be prepared for the coroner.

Rachel Adams

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