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Transmission Company of Nigeria Alerts Authorities of Possible Vandal Attack in Zuba Area



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The Transmission Company of Nigeria (TCN) has issued a warning regarding potential vandalism targeting its transmission lines in the Zuba region of the Federal Capital Territory (FCT), Abuja.

According to Ndidi Mbah, the General Manager of Public Affairs at TCN, there have been reports of planned attacks by vandals on the critical infrastructure in the area, prompting a call for increased vigilance.

Mbah urged residents of Zuba to stay alert and report any suspicious activities around power facilities to safeguard the integrity of the infrastructure and ensure uninterrupted power supply to all.

She emphasized TCN’s dedication to managing Nigeria’s power grid, maintaining grid stability despite challenges such as low gas supply impacting power generation nationwide.

TCN’s diligent grid controllers work tirelessly to balance the grid and prevent disruptions, as demonstrated during a recent incident on March 28, 2024, where power was restored in some areas within 21 minutes.

The company faces obstacles beyond gas supply, affecting grid stability, with the Ministry of Power actively engaging with Generating Companies (GenCos) and Gas Companies (GasCos) to address these issues and enhance power generation.

Rachel Adams

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