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Veteran Marathi Actor Vijay Kadam Passes Away at 68



Veteran Marathi Actor Vijay Kadam Passes Away At 68

In sad news for the entertainment world, veteran Marathi actor Vijay Kadam has passed away at the age of 68. He died on Saturday morning at his home in Mumbai, as confirmed by his close friend and fellow actor, Jaywant Wadkar.

Jaywant shared that Vijay had been bravely fighting cancer for quite some time. Although he showed signs of recovery initially, his health began to decline in later weeks. Just about 25 days ago, he even experienced an acidity attack, which worsened his condition.

Paying tribute to his friend, Jaywant described Vijay Kadam as a versatile and incredibly talented performer. He mentioned that Vijay had a remarkable career where he dabbled in various projects, spanning both Marathi and Hindi cinema. Jaywant emphasized that finding another actor with such talent is truly rare, making Vijay’s loss a significant blow to the industry.

Vijay Kadam’s cremation is scheduled to take place on Saturday afternoon at the Andheri-Oshiwara crematorium, marking a somber farewell to a beloved figure in the acting community.

Rachel Adams

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