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Water Reticulation Veteran Retires After 5 Decades of Service



Water Reticulation Veteran Retires After 5 Decades Of Service

In 1973, during Gough Whitlam’s tenure as Prime Minister, the iconic Sydney Opera House was officially opened, while Elton John‘s ‘Crocodile Rock’ dominated the airwaves. It was also the year when Alan ‘Foxy’ Fox began his remarkable journey with pipes, valves, meters, and pumps in Mossman, initiating a lifelong commitment to Douglas Shire‘s water infrastructure.

Over his extensive career spanning more than five decades with Council‘s water reticulation team, Foxy has overseen the installation of countless mains and the repair of thousands of leaks, demonstrating a deep understanding of the local water network.

Fox’s hands-on approach to work, often getting deep into ditches to fix issues, has been accompanied by his exceptional memory of the water system in Douglas Shire. His colleagues frequently sought his advice on network intricacies, pipeline connections, and main shut-off locations during repair operations.

Recently, Foxy’s invaluable knowledge has been formally documented and integrated into Council’s online mapping tools, ensuring his legacy will continue to benefit future water management efforts.

After an illustrious career, Alan ‘Foxy’ Fox has made the decision to retire, ending a chapter in Douglas Shire’s water infrastructure history. Douglas Shire Mayor Lisa Scomazzon expressed gratitude for Foxy’s extraordinary service, highlighting his unwavering dedication to the community.

Rachel Adams

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