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Daniel Andrews and Nova Peris to Serve as Patrons for National Labor Friends of Israel Australia



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Victoria’s Premier Daniel Andrews and former Australian Senator Nova Peris have been appointed as new patrons for the National Labor Friends of Israel Australia.

The announcement was made today, highlighting Andrews and Peris’ longstanding commitment to promoting bipartisan ties between Australia and Israel.

As patrons, Andrews and Peris are set to spearhead initiatives aimed at fostering cultural, economic, and political exchanges between the two nations.

The National Labor Friends of Israel Australia, a prominent advocacy group within the Australian Labor Party, expressed enthusiasm over the new appointments.

Andrews, known for his progressive leadership in Victoria, stated that he is honored to take on this role and further strengthen Australia’s relationship with Israel.

Peris, a prominent Indigenous advocate and former Olympian, emphasized the importance of promoting mutual understanding and cooperation between Australia and Israel.

This strategic move is expected to enhance dialogue and collaboration on key issues such as trade, innovation, and regional security.

Both Andrews and Peris have a solid track record of supporting multiculturalism and diversity within Australia, aligning with the values upheld by the National Labor Friends of Israel Australia.

The appointment of Andrews and Peris is seen as a significant step in reinforcing the bilateral ties and fostering a deeper partnership between Australia and Israel in various spheres.

Rachel Adams

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