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Former Barcelona Sporting Director Mateu Alemany’s Talks with Sevilla Break Down



Mateu Alemany Barcelona Sevilla

Mateu Alemany, who resigned from his role as Barcelona‘s sporting director in the summer, has been linked to various positions within the football industry. Despite rumors, including consideration for the presidency of the Spanish Football Federation, Alemany has yet to secure a new role since his departure from Barcelona.

His latest opportunity emerged with Sevilla, a prominent club in the Spanish football league, where Alemany engaged in discussions to become their new general manager. This position was to succeed the outgoing Jose Maria Cruz. Reports from Spanish media indicated that Alemany was seriously considering the role with Los Nervionenses.

However, the negotiations have reportedly collapsed. Sources familiar with the discussions revealed that the inability to reach an agreement stemmed from two main issues: the salary package on offer and the lack of clarity over Alemany’s responsibilities. Specifically, Alemany desired a significant role in handling player signings, a duty currently managed by Sevilla’s sporting director, Victor Orta.

In light of these unresolved issues, Alemany will not be taking up the position at Sevilla, and his search for a new challenge in football management continues.

Rachel Adams

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