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Former KCK Detective Roger Golubski Fails to Appear for Federal Trial, Arrest Warrant Issued



Roger Golubski Trial Absence Arrest Warrant

The federal trial of former Kansas City, Kansas police detective Roger Golubski, which was set to begin on Monday, December 2, 2024, did not proceed as planned due to Golubski’s failure to appear in court. The trial, scheduled to take place in Topeka, was expected to address serious allegations against Golubski, including federal charges of violating the civil rights of several individuals.

Golubski is accused of sexually assaulting Black women and girls, as well as being involved in a sex-trafficking ring. The allegations suggest that he used his authority as a law enforcement officer to exploit and abuse his victims over several decades.

In response to Golubski’s absence, a federal judge issued an arrest warrant on Monday morning. This development adds to the complexity and urgency of the case, which has already garnered significant attention due to the severe nature of the allegations.

The case against Golubski has raised concerns about police misconduct and the systemic issues that may have allowed such abuses to occur. The trial’s delay due to his absence has only heightened the public’s interest and scrutiny of the proceedings.

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