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Halle Bailey on Collaborations, Net Worth, and Latest Projects



Halle Bailey Smokey Robinson Motown Christmas

Halle Bailey, the talented actress and singer, has been making waves in the entertainment industry with her recent projects and collaborations. In a recent interview with ET‘s Cassie DiLaura, Bailey discussed her experience working with the legendary Smokey Robinson on the ‘A Motown Christmas’ special, which is set to air on December 11 on NBC. Bailey revealed that she was “so nervous” to collaborate with Robinson, highlighting the respect and admiration she has for the music icon.

Aside from her musical endeavors, Bailey’s net worth has been a subject of interest. Estimated to be around $3 million in 2024, her wealth is largely attributed to her acting salaries, including her role in the highly anticipated film ‘The Little Mermaid‘.

In addition to her professional achievements, Bailey has been active on social media, engaging with her fans and sharing personal moments. Recently, she posted a heartwarming video on YouTube titled “Hope Everyone Is Having A Great Day ♥️,” where she shared a glimpse into her daily life and interacted with her followers.

It’s also worth noting that Bailey, along with her sister Chloe, has been part of the musical duo Chloe x Halle. Although there hasn’t been a new album release recently, their previous work, such as ‘Ungodly Hour,’ continues to be celebrated by fans.

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