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The Janitor Way: How a Simple Speech Changed the Edmonton Oilers’ Season



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During the 2023-2024 season of the National Hockey League, the Edmonton Oilers faced a rough start, languishing at the 30th rank in the league with a 5-12-1 record in November.

Struggling to find their footing, the Oilers seemed distant from a Stanley Cup Final, making playoffs a challenging goal.

However, a turnaround occurred as they embarked on impressive winning streaks, ultimately finishing second in the Pacific Division.

While the new head coach, Kris Knoblauch, played a pivotal role, it was Mattias Janmark, a 31-year-old depth forward, whose speech in the Oilers’ dressing room after a defeat on November 22 in Carolina sparked a transformation.

Known as ‘The Janitor Way’, Janmark emphasized the importance of a defensive focus drawing from his experience with the Dallas Stars, underlining how a shift to defensive play turned their season around.

The Oilers adjusted their game, prioritizing defense over offense, leading to their resurgence and eventual appearance in the Stanley Cup Final.

Janmark’s influence in the team quickly earned him the nickname ‘The Janitor’ for his impactful role off the ice.

This story highlights the significant impact that supporting players like Janmark can have in revitalizing a team, beyond the star players.

Rachel Adams

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