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Jim Schwartz Praises Browns Star Myles Garrett as He Nears 100 Sacks



Jim Schwartz And Myles Garrett

Cleveland Browns defensive coordinator Jim Schwartz has been praising the exceptional performance of defensive end Myles Garrett, who is on the verge of achieving a significant milestone in his career – 100 sacks. Despite facing consistent double- and triple-team blocking, Garrett continues to impress with his relentless effort and skill on the field.

Schwartz has expressed his admiration for Garrett’s ability to overcome defensive schemes designed to neutralize him. “He just continues to do stuff,” Schwartz said, highlighting Garrett’s consistent output and impact on the game.

Schwartz’s high regard for Garrett is not limited to his current performance; he also believes that Garrett has already cemented his place among the all-time best pass rushers in the game. This endorsement underscores Garrett’s status as a key player in the Browns’ defense and a formidable opponent for any offense he faces.

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