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Justice Department Unveils Russian Influence Operation Targeting US Elections



Justice Department Building

The United States Justice Department has unveiled details regarding a Kremlin-orchestrated influence operation aimed at the 2024 US elections, implicating a Tennessee-based company known as Tenet Media.

According to the indictment filed in New York’s Southern District, two employees of RT, a Russian state-controlled media organization, were accused of channeling nearly $10 million to Tenet Media, referenced as “Company 1” in court documents.

Tenet Media, which identifies itself as a platform for independent content creators, is purportedly linked to right-wing commentators with millions of followers on platforms like YouTube. Prominent figures associated with Tenet Media include Benny Johnson, Tim Pool, and Dave Rubin.

The indictment describes how the operation sought to exploit pro-Russian narratives by producing content favoring Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump and others aligned with Kremlin interests.

Documents indicate that the American social media influencers involved were promised substantial sums for their participation, with one reportedly offered a contract worth $400,000 monthly.

Notably, the founders of Tenet Media, Lauren Chen and Liam Donovan, have not been officially named in the indictment. Business records suggest that both were aware that Russian funding was supporting the operation.

The Justice Department’s actions come as part of a broader effort by the Biden administration to combat foreign influence in upcoming elections, coinciding with previously announced sanctions and the seizure of various internet domains linked to Russian propaganda initiatives.

Officials have expressed that the ultimate victims of this scheme were the American public, who unknowingly received Russian messaging disguised as independent content.

Rachel Adams

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