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Miley Cyrus Becomes Disney Legend



Miley Cyrus Becomes Disney Legend

Miley Cyrus was honored as a Disney Legend last night at the D23 Expo, making history as the youngest person ever to receive the title.

The event celebrated 14 artists, including big names like Harrison Ford and Angela Bassett. Miley, now 31, was emotional as she took the stage to accept her award.

“I’m definitely going to cry,” she joked, revealing she had two speeches ready: one long and one short, depending on how she felt when she got up there.

During her heartfelt speech, she remembered the excitement in the air back in 2005 when she auditioned for Hannah Montana, reflecting on how it felt to be part of Disney’s transformation.

Miley recalled her first performance as Hannah, which took place at a mall where no one really knew who she was. “In reality, I was a little girl in a blonde wig at the mall with a big dream,” she shared.

Lainey Wilson performed a tribute song, “The Best of Both Worlds,” as Miley made her way to the stage. The audience erupted into applause as Miley expressed her continued pride in having played Hannah Montana.

“This award is dedicated to Hannah and all of her amazing loyal fans,” Miley said, summing up her connection to the character and the support she received throughout her journey.

Rachel Adams

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