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New Senators Appointed by Trudeau



New Senators Appointed By Trudeau

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has announced the appointment of two new senators: Charles Adler, a well-known broadcaster, and Tracy Muggli, a health-care executive.

Adler, who moved to Canada from Hungary as a refugee, has spent over 50 years in the media, making a name for himself as a radio host and political commentator. He will represent Manitoba in the Senate.

Muggli comes from a strong background in health care, currently serving as the executive director at St. Paul’s Hospital in Saskatoon. With her experience as a registered social worker and past public service roles, she adds valuable expertise to the upper chamber.

Both appointments were made following recommendations from an independent advisory board that was established to streamline the selection process for senators in 2016. The Governor General, Mary Simon, formally appointed them.

This marks another step in Trudeau’s effort to create a more diverse and independent Senate, although some critics argue the appointments favor his party. The Conservative Party has already expressed their discontent with the choice of Muggli due to her previous affiliations with the Liberal Party.

Rachel Adams

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