Raleigh, NC Weather Forecast: Cool and Variable Conditions Expected

As of November 26, 2024, the weather in Raleigh, North Carolina, is expected to be cool and variable over the coming weeks. According to the latest forecasts, the current weather conditions in Raleigh are mostly cloudy with a temperature of 57 degrees Fahrenheit and high humidity at 93.84% as of 3:15 AM EST.
For the immediate future, the week is predicted to see a mix of sunny and cloudy days. From November 20-28, the weather is expected to be sunny but chilly, with temperatures ranging from highs in the mid-70s to lows in the mid-50s. Moving into the last days of November, the forecast indicates rainy and mild conditions from November 29-30.
Looking ahead to December, the weather is anticipated to be sunny with occasional showers. The first part of December is expected to be sunny and then turn to showers, while the latter part of the month will see isolated showers and cooler temperatures. December’s temperatures are forecasted to be around 49.5 degrees Fahrenheit, which is slightly below average in the east and above average in the west.
The long-range forecast for the winter months suggests that the region will experience cooler than normal temperatures in the east and warmer than normal in the west. Precipitation and snowfall are expected to be above normal, with the best chances for snow in late January and early and late February.
Overall, residents of Raleigh can expect a transition from the current cool and cloudy conditions to a more variable winter season with potential for significant precipitation and snowfall.