Researchers Discover World’s Smallest Vertebrate Animal in Brazilian Jungle

Researchers have recently unveiled the discovery of the tiniest vertebrate animal in the world, hidden within the lush Brazilian jungle of Bahia, Brazil. This remarkable find showcases a unique amphibian species known as the ‘flea frog’.
The ‘flea frog’ measures a mere 7.1 millimeters in length, earning it the prestigious title of the world’s smallest vertebrate. Scientists conducted an in-depth study of 46 specimens of this miniature amphibian, carefully documenting and officially describing the newfound species.
Notably, the coloration of the frog’s back plays a crucial role in its survival within the Brazilian jungle. The ability of these tiny frogs to blend seamlessly with the surrounding foliage and fauna, mainly characterized by earthy tones, aids in their camouflage and protection.