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Rules for Displaying Indian National Flag on Vehicles



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When it comes to displaying the Indian National Flag on vehicles, there are some important rules that everyone needs to follow. Only certain high-ranking officials are allowed to show the flag on their cars, according to the Flag Code of India, 2002.

This means that if you’re not one of these dignitaries, you simply can’t put the flag on your vehicle. The law is strict about this, and violating it could lead to serious consequences under the Prevention of Insults to National Honour Act, 1971, which includes fines or even jail time.

So, who exactly is authorized to display the flag? The rules specify that only particular government officials and dignitaries can do this. It’s also crucial that when the flag is displayed on a vehicle, it must be placed on a staff that is clearly attached to the car so that it’s easily visible.

Furthermore, there are specific guidelines about how the flag should look when displayed. It should always be in good condition, meaning no tattered or worn flags should ever be shown. And there’s a strict prohibition against flying any other flags higher than or next to the National Flag on a vehicle.

These regulations are all part of the broader effort to ensure that the Indian National Flag is treated with the respect and dignity it deserves, reflecting its significance in the nation’s identity.

Rachel Adams

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