Sam Brown Criticizes Opponents and Addresses Key Issues in Nevada Senate Race

Sam Brown, the Republican candidate for the U.S. Senate in Nevada, has been actively engaging with voters and media outlets in the final stretch of the campaign. On October 29, Brown announced that he would be joining Sean Hannity to discuss the critical nature of his race for the U.S. Senate, both for Nevada and the country at large.
Brown has also highlighted the significant financial backing his opponent, incumbent Senator Jacky Rosen, is receiving. He pointed out that Rosen’s campaign is being heavily funded by corporations, which he argues are contributing to the high housing prices in Nevada by buying up homes.
In addition, Brown criticized the Democratic efforts in Nevada, noting that Democrats have renewed their get-out-the-vote efforts, deploying the Culinary Union and SEIU in a bid to regain ground in the election. Brown described this as a “desperate attempt” to claw back into the race.
Meanwhile, organizers of the Nevada Day Parade expressed disappointment in candidates, including Brown, who violated the parade’s campaigning rules. The parade is intended to be a non-political event, but some candidates were seen campaigning during the festivities.