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Three Suspects Killed in Mthatha Shootout, Including Traditional Leader



Mthatha Eastern Cape Police Shootout

Three individuals were killed during a shootout with police in Mthatha, Eastern Cape, on Wednesday afternoon. Among the deceased was Nkosi Dalinzolo Mareke, a controversial traditional leader, according to local traditional leader Nkosi JJ Ndzambule.

Ndzambule confirmed the death of Mareke, stating that he was killed by the police alongside two other men during the engagement, which occurred around 16:30 at the National Intervention Unit.

The shootout arises amid allegations of extortion in Mthatha West. At least three schools in the area had reported demands from extortionists for protection fees.

In a related incident on August 20, AbaThembu King Buyelekhaya Dalindyebo visited Laphumikhwezi Primary School after it was closed due to extortion demands. The extortionists sought a share of the income generated from the rental of a cellphone tower by a service provider.

During this time, King Dalindyebo publicly rejected Mareke’s status as a traditional leader, accusing him of orchestrating the extortion activities in Mthatha West. Mareke, in response, defended those demanding fees from the local schools, asserting that the institutions belonged to the community.

Rachel Adams

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