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Women Inducted into NRL Hall of Fame



Women Inducted Into Nrl Hall Of Fame

In a groundbreaking moment for sports, the National Rugby League (NRL) has announced that six incredible women will be inducted into the Hall of Fame. This is the first time female players are recognized in this prestigious way.

Among the honorees is Tarsha Gale, a true pioneer of women’s Rugby League. She played for the Rabbitohs in the late 1990s and has been a passionate supporter of women’s leagues.

Tarsha Gale wasn’t just a player; she captained the Australian Jillaroos in 11 out of her 15 Tests, and she was part of the very first Jillaroos Test against New Zealand back in 1995.

Alongside her, the NRL is honoring five other trailblazing female athletes: Natalie Dwyer, Katrina Fanning, Veronica White, Karyn Murphy, and Tahnee Norris. Together, they have worked tirelessly to boost women’s Rugby League to where it stands today.

Peter V’landys, the ARLC Chairman, expressed how proud he is of this historic recognition. He said it’s crucial to appreciate those who have laid the groundwork for women’s Rugby League, especially as it continues to thrive today.

The formal induction ceremony will take place at the Sydney Cricket Ground on August 21, highlighting the ongoing evolution of women’s roles in sports.

Rachel Adams

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