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China Advances Development of Land-Based Variant of Stealth Fighter FC-31



China Advances Development Of Land Based Variant Of Stealth Fighter Fc 31

A recent image of a new land-based variant of China‘s FC-31 stealth fighter has captured the attention of aviation enthusiasts, signaling a renewed emphasis on this project. The prototype, believed to be a reversion to the original concept before development shifted to the carrier-based J-35, showcases distinct design elements.

Shared by Chinese aviation researcher @Rupprecht_A, the photograph presents detailed differences between the FC-31 and the J-35, most notably in wing design and landing gear configuration. Notable changes include a smaller wing surface area and a single-nose wheel setup on the land-based prototype compared to the carrier-based model.

The emergence of this new variant mirrors earlier speculations when a similar aircraft was spied in 2023 undergoing testing over Shenyang. This iteration of the FC-31, now referred to as the J-31, could represent strategic moves by Shenyang Aircraft Corporation to expand their market reach and cater to various military demands.

With Pakistan expressing interest in acquiring FC-31 jets, the push for further development aligns with China’s ambition to enhance its aerospace industry for both domestic and international interests. The potential for the J-31 to attract non-US aligned nations is significant, thanks to its stealth capabilities and cost-effectiveness.

While the carrier-based J-35 has received attention for its adaptation to China’s naval operations, particularly with advanced features like foldable outer-wing panels and an AESA radar, the focus on a land-based version hints at broader market strategies. The evolution from J-31 to J-35 underscores the iterative design process that aligns with the changing needs of potential buyers.

It will be intriguing to observe how China positions its new stealth fighter variants within its aircraft carrier program. The adaptation of existing carriers and future CATOBAR vessels to accommodate J-35 fighters alongside other aircraft types marks an evolutionary step in China’s naval capabilities.

Rachel Adams

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