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Former Mpumalanga Premier Elected as National Council of Provinces Chairperson



Former Mpumalanga Premier Elected As National Council Of Provinces Chairperson

Former Mpumalanga Premier, Refilwe Mtsweni-Tsipane, has been elected unopposed as the Chairperson of the National Council of Provinces. This follows the swearing-in ceremony of delegates from nine provinces at the Cape Town International Convention Centre.

During the proceedings, Chief Justice Raymond Zondo administered the oath and affirmation to the members. Mtsweni-Tsipane, who succeeds Amos Masondo, emphasized the importance of fulfilling the obligations of her new role in accordance with the Constitution of South Africa.

In her inaugural address, Mtsweni-Tsipane highlighted the need for transformative leadership, women’s inclusion, and progressive governance at the provincial level. She expressed gratitude for the opportunity to serve in a position that plays a crucial role in promoting cooperative governance and intergovernmental relations.

The newly-elected Chairperson underscored the significance of maintaining a dynamic relationship with provincial legislatures and communities to address developmental challenges in the country. She called on permanent delegates to actively engage with their provinces and work collaboratively to improve the quality of life for all South Africans.

Following her election, Kenneth Mmoiemang from the Northern Cape delegation was also elected unopposed as the Chief Whip of the National Council of Provinces. The swearing-in ceremony, presided over by Chief Justice Zondo, marked the official commencement of the seventh parliamentary dispensation.

South African Local Government Association (Salga) President, Bheki Stofile, congratulated Mtsweni-Tsipane on her election, while heads of delegations from various provinces offered messages of support. The National Council of Provinces, as one of the two Houses of Parliament, aims to represent provincial interests in the national sphere of government.

Rachel Adams

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