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Absolute Bagels Closes After 34 Years of Service on the Upper West Side



Absolute Bagels Upper West Side Closure

A beloved institution on the Upper West Side, Absolute Bagels, has permanently closed its doors after 34 years of service. The small, no-frills bagel shop, which opened in 1990, was a staple in the community and a favorite among locals and visitors alike.

The news of the closure came as a shock to longtime patrons, who expressed their devastation and sadness over the loss of a place that had become a part of their daily routines. Absolute Bagels was known for its traditional bagel-making techniques and its wide variety of flavors, making it a go-to spot for breakfast and snacks.

The closure was confirmed on Thursday morning, marking the end of an era for the Upper West Side. The reasons behind the closure were not explicitly stated, but it is part of a broader trend of small businesses facing significant challenges in the current economic climate.

Absolute Bagels had been a symbol of community and tradition, and its absence will be deeply felt by those who frequented the shop. As the Upper West Side continues to evolve, the loss of such iconic businesses highlights the ongoing struggles faced by small enterprises in urban areas.

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