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Amy Slaton Halterman Arrested After Incident at Tennessee Zoo



Amy Slaton Halterman Arrest Tennessee Zoo

Amy Slaton Halterman, a prominent star from the reality television series “1000-Lb. Sisters,” was arrested on Monday following a visit to the Tennessee Safari Park. Reports indicate that Halterman, 36, was transported from the zoo on a stretcher shortly before her arrest.

According to eyewitness accounts, emergency medical technicians (EMTs) were seen assisting Halterman as she was taken to an ambulance, where she was reported to be tending to a wound on her arm. It is alleged that this injury was sustained when a camel at the zoo bit her.

Following the incident, the Crockett County Sheriff’s Department arrived at the scene and discovered a strong odor emanating from Halterman’s vehicle. Upon further investigation, deputies found marijuana, psychedelic mushrooms, and two young children inside the car.

As a result of these findings, Halterman was arrested on charges related to the illegal possession of Schedule I and Schedule VI drugs, as well as child endangerment. A man accompanying Halterman, identified as Brian Scott Lovvorn, was also arrested on similar charges.

Prior to being booked into the Crockett County Jail, Halterman received medical treatment for her arm injury, believed to be inflicted by the camel. After processing, both Halterman and Lovvorn were released on a $10,000 bond the following day.

Upon their release, Halterman and Lovvorn were observed leaving police custody hand in hand. Meanwhile, Halterman’s children have been placed in the care of a family member after the incident.

Rachel Adams

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